Past News

18/11/2013 The youngsters have continued to shine.
At her last four shows young Selene, Ondeen Lakme, has picked up Best and Runner-Up Best of Breed awards, Best and Runner-Up Best Hound group wins and 2 Puppy in Show awards, and is well on her way to her Championship title.
Our Flirt, Harroway Fascination, continues to mature and has won Classes in Group and Reserve Challenges, and her sire, Argowan Wyte Nyte, is now close to his title.


"Selene", Ondeen Lakme, at a recent show

14/10/2013 Another couple of great weekends for Julie in Queensland.
On 6/10/2013 the lovely Mentha, Ronndal Moonlite, took an 18 point Best of Breed to qualify her for Australian Champion Title.
Not to be outdone, the same weekend at the last show young Bally, Harroway Fashion Label not only won the Breed but went on to win Group 1 under breed specialist Mr Terry Collicutl, eventually going through to Puppy in Show - and thus earning his final points for his Australian Champion Title while still just a puppy.

Not to be outdone, this last weekend on 12/10/2013 Mentha proved that she has earned her title by taking out Hound Group Best Exhibit, with her young kennel mate Bally taking Puppy in Group at the two shows on the weekend.


Julie and "Mentha", Aust Ch Ronndal Moonlite

 1/10/2013 Having enjoyed an overseas holiday, we shall be returning to the show ring more regularly soon.
Prior to the holiday young Trade, Harroway Tradition, won the final points for his Australian Champion title - whilst still only a puppy.
Steven attended some shows whilst I was away, and Ondeen Lakme, Selene, won multiple Minor Puppy in Group awards as well Bitch Challenges from the Minor Class.
Young Flirt, Harroway Flirtation, won another Puppy In Show award.
Aust Ch Harroway Fascination, Honey, has won multiple Best of Breed placings for Julie in Queensland, and Harroway Fashion Label has earned more points towards his title.
The lovely Harroway Fashion, owned by Byerley whippets in Melbourne, won Best of Breed under breed specialist Mr Ian Rasmussen.
Her brother Harroway Classic Fashion is over half way to his title for Lyn King in Melbourne after just 2 Best of Breed and Dog Challenge awards.

Aust Ch Harroway Tradition - Best of Breed and Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group, Mrs Z Oleinikova (UKR)

28/7/2013 Harroway Reflection, Bess, won best of breed today and intermediate in Group - qualifying her for her Australian Championship.
At the same show young Flirt, Harroway Flirtation, returned to the ring to not only win runner-up best of breed, but go all the way through to Puppy in Show, beautifully handled by Steven.


Steven with "Flirt", Harroway Flirtation, on the move 

8/7/2013  Some very pleasing results over the last couple of weeks.
In Tasmania, Russell Little won Best of Breed and Runner-Up in the Hound Group (Group 2) with Harroway Speculation.
At home, Steven showed Harroway Tradition to Best of Breed and Hound Group Runner-Up (Group 2), with the baby, Ondeen Lakme, taking Reserve Challeng bitch from the Minor Class, and going all the way to win Minor In Show - her first show out of baby class.
Not to be outdone, Julie in Queensland piloted the lovely Harroway Fascination (Honey) to the final points for her Australian Champion Title, congratulations Julie.
Our thanks to Cristina Fornasier for the photo of Honey on the move on the day below.

3/06/2013 Some good results over the past few weeks for Harroway whippets with Harroway Fascination picking up another Challenge in good company, and young Harroway Fashion Label winning through group a number of times.
At home both Harroway Reflection and Harroway Tradition continue to win their classes and Challenges, with Reflection winning Hound Group 1st under Mr R Watson (Tas).

25/05/2013 Attended the Whippet National in Adelaide to see 320 whippets judged by Mrs Bitte Ahrens (Italy) from the famous Sobers Kennel.
Very pleased that two Harroway Whippets made it into the ribbons with Harroway Tradition 3rd in Minor Dog, and his half sister, Harroway Fashion 3rd in Minor Bitch for Peter More and Peter Griffiths of Byerley Kennels. 

13/5/2013 Honey takes out Best of Breed and Junior In Group under whippet specialist Mrs Sandra Masford from Victoria, well done Julie! and thanks to Cristina for the photo.

6/5/2013 A great weekend with Julie Bastin-Byrne taking Harroway Fashion Label to Baby in Show in Queensland
Russell Little in Tasmania took Harroway Speculation through to another 2 x Puppy in Group awards under judges from Canada
Catherine Kirke piloted Ch Harroway Explanation to CC dog and Best State Bred in Show at the Sighthound & Italian Greyhound Club in Perth
And our young Trade, Harroway Tradition won Reserve dog CC and Minor in Show at the same Sighthound Club Show
Thank you everyone!

1/5/2013 Good news from Tasmania where Russell Little showed Dexter (Harroway Speculation) to 2 Best Puppy in Group awards, 2 dog challenges and a Best of Breed last weekend.

21/4/2013 At the Hound Club show Trade (Harroway Tradition) won the dog challenge and best of breed at just 7 months of age - Judge Mrs Robyn Wallis (Vic)

 7/4/2013 Darcy (Argowan Wyte Nyte) wins the dog challenge and Intermediate in Group, while Bess (Harroway Reflection) wins the bitch challenge and Best of Breed - Judge Mrs M Cochrane

17/3/2013 Bess does the double for the weekend with another Best of Breed win and Junior in Group under Mrs D Cozart, while Trade wins Minor for the breed.

16/3/2013 Bess wins Best of Breed, shortlisted for the Group and wins Junior in Group.  Not to be outdone, Trade is awarded reserve challenge dog and goes right through to be Minor in Show - judges Mr P Mangos, Victoria for group, and Mrs B Stepkovitch, NSW, General Specials.

11/3/2013 Bess continues to be noticed with a Runner-Up Best Exhibit in the Hound Group (Hound Group 2) under hound specialist Ms K Mangan (Qld) on 22/2/2013 followed by Reserve Challenge and Junior In group under breed specialist Mrs Wendy Slatyer on 9/3/2013

10/3/2013 Baby Dexter (Harroway Speculation) in the capable hands of Mr Russell Little in Tasmania won his 5th Baby In Group today under Mrs Marie Merchant (SA) - well done Russell!

28/1/13 Bess takes Runner-Up Best of Breed and wins through to take the Junior In Show award, under Group judge Mrs D Lee of Victoria and Mr J Rice of SA in General Specials.

 Harroway Reflection - Bess

19/1/13 At our first show for the year Trade (Harroway Tradition) made his debut and was Best Baby in Group.  His brother Dexter (Harroway Speculation) debuted in Tasmania on the same weekend and also won Best Baby in the Hound Group - a nice start for the youngsters.


31/12/12 Bess finished off the year winning Runner-Up Best of Breed and Junior in Group.  Very pleased with our results in 2012 - we don't get to every show but have enjoyed some success.

04/11/2012 A lovely win today for Bess who took Best Exhibit in the Hound Group under Mr Wayne Burton (NSW) and went on to win Puppy in Show under Mr Myron Arthur (NSW)

07/10/2012 A good weekend for Julie in Queensland with Honey taking Runner-Up Best of Breed on Saturday, then taking a 19 point Best of Breed and going on to win Puppy in Show on Sunday under International judges Ms N Karlsdotter of Sweden and Ms S Bister of Finland

16/09/2012 Bling wins Best Exhibit in Show at the Hound Club of WA Championship Show under whippet specialist Mrs Denise Tuck (Swifthund)


Blake took the dog challenge and Lily was Minor in Show and won the Wray Minors Trophy for Best Puppy in Show
Not to be outdone, Julie took the bitch challenge with young Honey at Ingham in Queensland and Minor in Group at both shows on the weekend.

09/09/2012 Blake takes another Minor In Group today - Judge Mr Ted Pickering (NSW) - shown below recently moving at a show

28/8/2012 Returned home from overseas after judging some very nice dogs in Singapore and Bangkok

26/08/2012 Great news from Queensland that, on her debut with Julie, Honey won 2 Puppy Sweepstakes and Minor Puppy in Show

12/8/2012 Blake wins Minor Puppy in Show

29/7/2012 Bess wins Minor In Show today - Judge Mrs I Glynn (SA)

21 & 22/7/2012 And the youngsters did well on the weekend with Blake getting a Res CC from the Minor Class and his class in Group, and Lily won her Class in Group on the first day.

21/7/2012 Bling wins the Bitch Challenge again and now qualifies as an Australian Champion.  To finish the day she won Intermediate in Show.


14/7/2012 Bling again wins the Bitch Challenge and young Bess goes one better to win Minor In Show

7/7/2012 Bling wins the Bitch Challenge and her class in group and young Bess wins Minor in Group

12/5/2012 Lily wins best Baby In Show at her first all breeds show outing at the Fremantle Dog Club - Judge Mrs A Lane (NSW) & Mrs C Currie (SA)

22/04/2012 Hound Club of WA - Bling wins Runner-Up Best of Breed - Mentha wins Intermediate in Show - Judge Mr T Tancred

25/03/2012 Bling wins Best of Breed and Runner-Up in Group - Judge Mr E Soti

3/3/2012 After a long break from the show ring Mentha wins Best of Breed Whippet and goes on to win the Hound Group at the Western Classic show - Judge Mr G Robinson (South Africa)


3/12/2011 Bling won Best of Breed today and went on to win Group First - Judge Miss D Crooks (NSW)

27/11/2011 Bling and Darcy won both Reserve Challenges today, with Bling being Runner-Up Best of Breed - Judge Mr N Jackson (Qld)

12-13/11/2011 Enjoyed a judging trip to Morwell, Victoria where it was my pleasure to judge some very nice dogs.

23/9/2011 Judging and other commitments have meant that we haven't been to many shows, but Bling was Best of Breed under Mrs E Emery on 4/9/2011

April 2011 Byerley Bling has come to join us in Perth from Melbourne. 

13/3/2011 Wispa places 3rd in the Puppy Bitch class at the Whippet National in Melbourne - judge Ms L Yacoby-Wright of "Cobyco" whippets (UK) 

4/3/2011 Mentha wins Best of Breed whippet at the Western Classic - Judge Mr F Peddie (Canada)

12/12/2010 Mentha wins Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Hound Group and Puppy in Show at Open Show - Judges Mrs S Baxter and Mr A Beattie

12/12/2010 Mindy wins CC, Best of Breed and Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Hound Group - Judge Mr J Forbes

26/11/2010 Mindy wins Challenge Bitch and Best of Breed - Judge Mr T Johnson

14/11/2010 Mentha wins Challenge Bitch and Runner-Up Best of Breed - Judge Ms C Woolcock  

11/9/2010 Mindy wins Reserve Challenge Bitch at the Sighthound & Italian Greyhound Club under Mr E Patterson (Ireland)

29/8/2010 Mindy wins Challenge Bitch & Runner-Up Best of Breed - Judge Mr J Truss

15/8/2010 Mindy wins Runner-Up Exhibit in Group under Ms D Hopkins (Open Show)

15/8/2010 Mindy wins Junior in Show under Mrs D Wells (Open Show)

20/6/2010 Mindy wins Reserve Challenge Bitch under Mr R Lucas

30/5/2010 Mindy wins Reserve Challenge Bitch and Bree was Baby In Group under Ms K Hutchings and Bree

22/5/10 Red wins Dog Challenge and Runner-Up Best of Breed - Judge Mr R Beattie 

8/5/2010 Mindy wins Bitch Challenge, Runner-Up Best of Breed and Runner-Up Best In Group - Judge Ms Y Meintjes

24/4/2010 Mindy wins Reserve bitch challenge and Junior Group - Judge Mrs C Currie-Thompson

18/4/2010 - Mindy wins Junior In Show at the Hound Club of WA under whippet specialist Ms Anne-Marie Curran

5/4/2010 - Red wins Dog Challenge and Mindy is Junior In Group - Judges Mrs H Jones

14 March 2010 - Mindy wins Reserve Challenge Bitch and Junior in Group.  Red wins Reserve Dog challenge - Judge Mrs H Jones

13 March 2010 - Mindywins Reserve Challenge Bitch, Junior in Group and wins Junior In Show - Judge Mr Frank Waring

January 2010 - After a two month show break Red and Mindy returned to win Dog CC, Reserve Bitch CC and RUBOB - Mindy went on to win Puppy In Show

We have youngsters!

2009 - My first litter for many years, born in February and enjoying days on the sofa and each others company while they grow up.

 Harroway Contradiction


Contact Details
Pamela Campbell
Perth, WA, Australia
Email : [email protected]

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